Sage Grey Group

Sage Grey Group is a group of companies with diversified portfolio in investment management, manufacturing, technology, oil and gas, fund management and financial services.
The Company began operations in 2016. At Sage Grey Group, we provide investments, strategic direction, management and coordination to our state of the art, credible subsidiary companies highlighted below.

Sage Grey Subsidiary Companies

Sage Grey Capital Management Limited

Sage Grey Capital Limited (“Sage Grey Capital”) is a wholly Private Equity Firm, with a strong portfolio of investment in companies across various sectors, such as; Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Recycling, Technology, Logistics and Power.

Sage Grey Finance Limited

Sage Grey Finance is a regulated financial institution with a proven track-record and international expertise, committed to creating sustainable value through its lending, fund management, and strategic advisory services. We are integrated into the Nigerian Interbank Settlement System (NIBSS). Sage Grey Finance offers Lending Services, Advisory Services, Fund Management Services, and other Services.

Sage Grey Technologies Limited

Sage Grey Technologies is a technology provider creating impact by developing and deploying practical and sustainable solutions across various sectors. The company maintains a support facility in Oyo State, Nigeria which provides efficient, state of the art customer support, call centre support, and logistics services to its technology portfolio companies.
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